Accessories: Logitech Pro Keyboard Case for Galaxy Tab Pro / Note Pro 12.2
You know some time ago Samsung Galaxy Note Pro and Tab Pro officially announced it makes the manufacturer of Keyboard and Case Logitech move quickly to bring the right accessories to support the performance of both Samsung tablet. Logitech introduced Logitech PRO case in almost the same time with the announcement of both the Samsung tablet top class. Logitech Pro has a protective function as well as the second keyboard that can make the tablet Samsung Galaxy NotePro and TabPro be computer-based Android. With the results of the use Samsung screen measuring 12 inches, the size of the keyboard button Logitech PRO also quite large and not inferior to most laptop keyboards. While the size is large enough, there is no numeric buttons on the keyboard as well as desktop computers. Logitech Pro has similarities with the previous generation casing; Logitech Pro comes with a cast body that is slim and lightweight so it does not make a tablet device that is embedded into a heavier and thicker. T...