2017 AeroMobil 3.0 a futuristic vision of real flying cars
A company from Slovakia is currently in spotlight of the world, the reason some time ago the company released a video of a flying car, a car that could fly from one point to another, this is not just prototype, but it's real. AeroMobil 3.0 is different from the car in general. In video released AeroMobil or flying car can be driven on highway, then, the car is on the air by utilizing the runway in south Austin, Texas, United States. When this car wants to fly the two sides of the wings will come out slowly. According to information from various sources, a Rotax 192 engine embedded in this flying car, it means that the machine can increase the speed of the car to 160km / h on the highway and more than 200km / h in air. In the fuel consumption at the same time "land" is in the range of 8 liters per 100 km, and during the flight - up to 15 l / h. Maximum range of 875 km and the distance to fly on a single tank is limited to 700 km. AeroMobil CEO Juraj Vaculik becomes part...