7 Models Of Future Mobiles

If you look back to the very first cell phones, they were big, bulky and looked like bricks. They had horrible battery life and the call quality was terrible. Fast forward a little but in time to 2007, the year that changed everything with the release of the Apple iPhone and the smartphone concept.

7 Models of Future Mobile Phones
 Photo by Irita Kirsbluma / Flickr

7 Models of Future Mobile Phones

Here's a look at seven models of future mobile phones you may see in your lifetime.

Windows Glass Phone 

- If you take a look at this future smartphone, you're going to be blown away with how different it looks that most of today's mobile phones. It's thinner and lighter than anything available today because the entire phone is basically the screen. 

“Cobalto” Phone 

- This is another glass phone design that's based a lot on the movie Minority Report - especially the scene where the main character pulls out a piece of plastic and you learn that's his communication device - and it's constantly updated with the newest news and information.

The Leaf Phone 

- This is another new and radical phone design that may appear in the future. This is basically a very organic design that makes the phone easily wearable and not as cumbersome to carry and use as existing smartphones. The phone actually splits into two separate parts, something that may happen with other future phones. 

Kambala  Folding Phone 

- Designed by Ilshat Garipov, this is a concept phone that is really interesting in a lot of ways. It's a lot smaller than even the tiniest smartphones on the market, but it's also a lot more useful in different ways. 

Facebook Phone 

- The idea of the Facebook Phone has been around a while now, but there's still not something available. The idea is not really about the hardware but the software that runs the phone. Presumably, a Facebook Phone would allow easier access to the social media giant. 

Nintendo smartphone 

- This is another idea for a future model of mobile that has been tossed around a bit. This would offer gamers a new way to access all the game content provided by Nintendo while they're on the go. Part Gameboy and part smartphone, it might be pretty amazing.

Carrier-free iPhone 

- Steve Jobs thought about this but decided against it in the past because it wasn't technologically feasible. Now, however, a carrier-free iPhone might be the future model that most people want because it offers freedom from wireless carriers - many of whom people don't really like all that much.

Looking at any of the seven models of future mobile phones above, it's easy to see that the future is very promising and exciting in many ways. While it may seem like all mobile phones are relatively the same these days, this is not always going to be the case.

 If you know of any future smartphone models we may have missed, leave a comment below and let us know your opinion and thoughts. If you have any skills from a graphic design course you've taken, it will probably help you with this.


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