Samsung NX300M First Device Using Tizen OS

Tizen operating system is likely to be launched, but apparently, the first time operating system to be used in digital camera Samsung NX300M products, not on many smartphones as reported previously.

Digital cameras that bring 3:31-inch touch screen, equipped with a sensor 20.3 - megapixel APS - C, and support of ISO 100 to 25.600 and was introduced last month. This camera also comes with NFC support, and also some other functions like WiFi and etc...

Speaking about the advantages, camera-based Tizen is said to bring the boot speed over 2-fold compared to other Linux-based camera. In addition, it runs Digital Tizen platform, and allows recording of up to 9 pictures in one second.

With a positive development for Tizen operating system 3.0, provides several additional features such as support for 64-bit Intel processor and ARM, multi-user accounts, etc.
Samsung NX300M first devices using Tizen operating system
 Samsung NX300M first devices using Tizen operating system


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